ケルタ・ゴサ- かつての王立裁判所
ブキット・ジャンブル- 棚田と美しい景色
プラ ベサキ - アグン山のマザー テンプル
キンタマーニ- バトゥール火山とバトゥール湖
ペングリプラン - バリ アガ村
プラケヘン- 17世紀にさかのぼる寺院

The former Royal Courts of Justice which was built in the early 18th century. Kerta Gosa consists of Bale Akerta Gosa and Bale Kambang (floating hall) surrounded by water. The buildings have unique ceilings adorned with traditional paintings in the famous Kamasan style. To the west of the hall is museum Semarajaya with a collection of photos of the king and his family.

Judgment chairs

Penglipuran old house

The former Royal Courts of Justice which was built in the early 18th century. Kerta Gosa consists of Bale Akerta Gosa and Bale Kambang (floating hall) surrounded by water. The buildings have unique ceilings adorned with traditional paintings in the famous Kamasan style. To the west of the hall is museum Semarajaya with a collection of photos of the king and his family.